OR how about a ‘NY bit** ?

Bianca Marie
6 min readOct 10, 2016


Perhaps I share this now as I remember the latter about a year ago. I will get to that later on.

To ‘Embrace Autumn’, ‘As You Are’ wherever you are, with intention and more faith in your own intuition…. Those are sentiments reverberating through my mind to keep the mental stamina in tact. Despite the frustrations and challenges which cannot be blown away with the wind, recognize the beauty around you wherever you see it.

The days are now cool but comfortable and nights are chilly. There is no need for heat or air conditioning and you can leave the windows open a touch, listening to the rain fall while wearing little but ‘happy socks’ and your favorite shirt or that cotton robe alone curled up under the duvet with chamomile tea before you sleep. (All minor pleasures, non existent in the sultry heat of summer humidity!) Not to mention, it is still warm enough to wear open toe heels or run in shorts, sunrise or sunset.

The pleasant autumn air aside, I was compelled to share some thoughts about the authenticity of the energy that is exhibited on Instagram or any form of social media with respect to life and…



Bianca Marie

Creator, writer, real estate sales in NYC- NJ, international perspective | *She prefers to drive!